Patrick Rubin-Delanchy
Data Science, machine-learning, networks, anomaly detection, cyber-security
I hold a Heilbronn Research fellowship in Statistics. My research focuses on developing statistical theory and methodology for machine-learning and data science. A specific interest is modelling and anomaly detection for networks and point processes, as seen in fields that generate Big Data. Two applications I have focussed on are cyber-security and super-resolution microscopy.
P. Rubin-Delanchy
D. J. Lawson
N. A. Heard
Anomaly detection for cyber-security applications, in Dynamic Networks and Cybersecurity, London: World Scientific, 2016.
P. Rubin-Delanchy
N. A. Heard
On the mid-p-value of a test statistic with arbitrary real support, arXiv preprint:1505.05068, 2016.
J. Griffié
M. Shannon
C. L. Bromley
L. Boelen
G. L. Burn
D. J. Williamson
N. A. Heard
A. P. Cope
D. M. Owen
P. Rubin-Delanchy
A Bayesian cluster analysis method for single-molecule localization microscopy data, Nature Protocols, vol. 11, 2499–2514, 2016.
P. Rubin-Delanchy
N. M. Adams
N. A. Heard
Disassortivity of computer networks, in Proceedings of IEEE workshop on Big Data Analytics for Cyber-security Computing, 2016.
N. A. Heard
P. Rubin-Delanchy
Network-wide anomaly detection via the Dirichlet process, in Proceedings of IEEE workshop on Big Data Analytics for Cyber-security Computing, 2016.
P. Rubin-Delanchy
G. L. Burn
J. Griffié
D. J. Williamson
N. A. Heard
A. P. Cope
D. M. Owen
Bayesian cluster identification in single-molecule localization microscopy data, Nature methods, vol. 12, 1072–1076, 2015.
P. Rubin-Delanchy
D. J. Lawson
Posterior predictive p-values and the convex order, arXiv preprint:1412.3442, 2015.
P. Rubin-Delanchy
N. A. Heard
A test for dependence between two point processes on the real line, arXiv preprint:1408.3845, 2014.
P. Rubin-Delanchy
D. J. Lawson
M. J. Turcotte
N. A. Heard
N. M. Adams
Three statistical approaches to sessionizing network flow data, in Proceedings of the IEEE Joint Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (JISIC), 2014.
N. A. Heard
D. J. Lawson
P. Rubin-Delanchy
Filtering automated polling traffic in computer network flow data, in Proceedings of the IEEE Joint Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (JISIC), 2014.
D. J. Lawson
P. Rubin-Delanchy
N. A. Heard
N. M. Adams
Statistical frameworks for detecting tunnelling in cyber defence using Big Data, in Proceedings of the IEEE Joint Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (JISIC), 2014.
A. Gandy
P. Rubin-Delanchy
An algorithm to compute the power of Monte Carlo tests with guaranteed precision, The Annals of Statistics, vol. 41, no. 1, 125–142, 2013.