Chieh-Hsi (Jessie) Wu
Computational statistics, machine learning, stratified medicine.
I am part of the Oxford S:CORT Biostatistical Team and working with Chris Holmes on statistical genomics methods for stratified medicine with the application to colorectal cancer.
Before coming to Oxford, I completed my PhD in Computer Science and Statistics in 2014 at the University of Auckland. For my thesis, I used Bayesian nonparametric and Bayesian model selection approaches to accommodate the model uncertainty in phylogenetic inferences. In 2014, my first postdoc position was at Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford. There, I worked on infectious disease transmission and bacterial GWAS.
S. J. Greenhill
C. Wu
X. Hua
M. Dunn
S. C. Levinson
R. D. Gray
Evolutionary dynamics of language systems, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201700388, 2017.
C. Wu
M. A. Suchard
A. J. Drummond
Bayesian selection of nucleotide substitution models and their site assignments, Molecular biology and evolution, vol. 30, no. 3, 669–688, 2012.
C. Wu
A. J. Drummond
Joint inference of microsatellite mutation models, population history and genealogies using transdimensional Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Genetics, vol. 188, no. 1, 151–164, 2011.