Hanwen Xing
Computational methods, Bayesian inference
I am a third-year DPhil student in Statistics at the University of Oxford, supervised by Professor Geoff Nicholls. I am interested in Bayesian modeling and computational methods. Currently I am working on diagostic tools for approxiamte posteriors.
H. Xing
G. K. Nicholls
J. E. Lee
Distortion estimates for approximate Bayesian inference, in Proceedings of the 36th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2020, vol. 124, 1208–1217.
H. Xing
G. K. Nicholls
J. E. Lee
Calibrated Approximate Bayesian Inference, in Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning,
ICML 2019, 9-15 June 2019, Long Beach, California, USA, 2019, 6912–6920.