Jake Fawkes

Jake Fawkes

Causal Inference, Machine Learning, Fairness

Hello! I am a DPhil student working under the supervision of Dino Sejdinovic and Robin Evans. My research centers on causal machine learning with a focus on causal inference for fairness. I am also more generally interested in domain generalisation, the theory of causal inference and kernel methods. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me at jake.fawkes@stats.ox.ac.uk.



  • S. Bouabid , J. Fawkes , D. Sejdinovic , Returning The Favour: When Regression Benefits From Probabilistic Causal Knowledge, arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.11214, 2023.


  • J. Fawkes , R. J. Evans , D. Sejdinovic , Selection, ignorability and challenges with causal fairness, in Conference on Causal Learning and Reasoning, 2022, 275–289.
  • J. Fawkes , R. Evans , D. Sejdinovic , Selection, Ignorability and Challenges With Causal Fairness, arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.13774, 2022.